Our meticulously maintained Robert Trent Jones Jr. and Kyle Phillips-designed, 18-hole masterpiece is fresh off a multimillion-dollar renovation, ready to take your joy of the game even farther:
Course improvements overseen by Salvador "Sal" Rodriguez of Diamond Golf International
All fairways have been converted to Santa Ana Hybrid Bermuda for fast, firm play
Wild areas, overhanging and infringing tree limbs trimmed
The infamous blue oak guarding the middle of the 10th fairway remains intact
Bunker total is now 68, down from 75 bunkers, with most 30- percent smaller and shallower Some tee boxes extended farther back to allow the course to surpass 7,000 yards in length Fairways still adhere to the original shapes
Some greens broadened by as much as 10 percent
Re-grassed greens with 100-percent pure Dominator Bentgrass

Lessons for juniors focused on fun, fitness and confidence
Learn to Crush It!
Our engaging Crush It! program introduces junior golfers to essential skills they’ll use for a lifetime — both on and off the course. We’ll go beyond golfing basics like stance and swing to help young golfers develop key character traits like confidence, respect and self-discipline. From age-appropriate instruction for our youngest golfers to competitive development for teens, Crush It! is shaping the next generation of golfers.
Crush It! Now