Premier Island Golf

Feel Your Best

Perfect Your Serve
Family Fun
Our Marsh Creek Clubhouse is the center of social activities at the Club. Our Dining Room faces west toward the Intracoastal and features spectacular sunset views over the marsh.
Activities include:
- Bridge, book club, bingo, mah jong and Marsh Creek Women’s Association
- Monthly theme parties, groups and organizations within the Club
- Lunch and dinner in the gorgeous dining room with no minimum
- Social hour in La Mesa Bar
- And so much more!
The Marsh Creek Women’s Association was established in 1989 and is comprised of members of the Marsh Creek Country Club. It provides members with the opportunity to participate in social, cultural, and charitable endeavors.
The MCWA strives to provide friendship and fun while making a difference in our community.
The goals are to create a social environment for its members, provide assistance and charitable support in our community, and provide a vehicle for communication and enrichment.
Please take a moment to explore our website and see who we are and what we do. We would love to have you join us.