$250 Initiation Fee | $186 Per Month
Membership for those who have their principle residence or place of business within Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach or Chesapeake, or do not qualify for other memberships.

Resident XLife City
$250 Initiation Fee | $246 Per Month
Those who have their principle residence or place of business within Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach or Chesapeake can enjoy access to all amenities, workspaces, dining, social events and no booking fees* for meeting facilities, PLUS 50% off daily dining (excludes special events) at your home club and extended dining and golf benefits when you travel beyond the Club.

Young Executive XLife City
$250 Initiation Fee | $165 Per Month
Those who are age 39 or younger can enjoy access to all amenities, workspaces, dining, social events and no booking fees* for meeting facilities, PLUS 50% off daily dining (excludes special events) at your home club and extended dining and golf benefits when you travel beyond the Club.

Active Duty Military
$250 Initiation Fee | $126 Per Month
Membership for those who are active-duty members of the military.

Active Duty Military XLife City
$250 Initiation Fee | $186 Per Month
Those who are active-duty members of the military can enjoy access to all amenities, workspaces, dining, social events and no booking fees* for meeting facilities, PLUS 50% off daily dining (excludes special events) at your home club and extended dining and golf benefits when you travel beyond the Club.