Tournament Format
- All teams will be guaranteed (4) matches competing against members from throughout our Invited Network of clubs
- Doubles Divisions based on Combined Player Rating – 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 and OPEN
- Scoring is 2 sets with a match tiebreak for the 3rd set
- Teams will advance from Pool Play into Bracket Play
*Format subject to change based on total number of registered players must submit their USTA player number
Only 40 team spots available, don't miss out!
Event Agenda
Preliminary Schedule of Events:
Wednesday, May 3
Member Arrivals
Player Registration – Mission Hills CC
Court Time for Team Practice – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Welcome Reception – Mission Hills CC
Thursday, May 4
Breakfast at Leisure
Team Pictures – Mission Hills CC Tennis Center
Court Time for Player Warm-Up – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Morning Matches – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Player’s Lunch – Mission Hills CC
Afternoon Matches – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Night at Leisure to Explore Palm Springs
Friday, May 5
Breakfast at Leisure
Court Time for Player Warm-Up – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Morning Matches – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Player’s Lunch – Mission Hills CC
Afternoon Matches – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Cinco de Mayo Party – Westin Mission Hills Ranco Mirage
Saturday, May 6
Breakfast at Leisure
Court Time for Player Warm-Up – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Morning Matches – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Player’s Lunch – Mission Hills CC
Afternoon Matches – Mission Hills Tennis Center
Awards Cocktail Reception & Dinner – Mission Hills CC
Sunday, May 7
Member Departures

Package Costs
Invited Member Entry Cost | $1,200 p/p
Lodging: Is not included in the Member Entry Package.
A limited number of rooms at a preferred rate have been arranged on a courtesy basis at the Westin Rancho Mirage Resort & Spa adjacent to Mission Hills CC for registered participants ($209 per night + tax and resort fee). Reservations must be made via the dedicated booking link provided in player confirmation, which will be emailed once online registration is completed via the Tournament Portal.
Deadline for making a reservation at the Westin is March 3.
Tournament Registration Details
All participants are required to complete an online player registration via the Women’s Tennis National Championship Tournament Portal.
January 1-14, 2023 – Exclusive Entry Window for 2022 Tournament Participants
January 15-March 31, 2023 – Open Entry for all Invited Members
Deadline for Entry is March 31, 2023. If the target tournament field is filled sooner than March 31, the Open Entry period will close and members who submit an online registration will automatically be placed on a priority waitlist. Members will be moved off the Wait List beginning April 1, 2023, in the order that they signed up to backfill any cancelations or additional spots in the field which may be added on a space available basis.
Invited Member Entry Package Includes:
Player Registration at Mission Hills CC (Light Refreshments)
Welcome Reception at Mission Hills CC (Dinner, Drinks & Entertainment)
(3) Days of Tournament Play with Courtside Hospitality (Refreshments & Snacks)
(3) Lunches at Club (Non-Alcoholic Beverages Included)
Cinco de Mayo Party at Westin Rancho Mirage (Dinner, Drinks & Entertainment)
Awards Cocktail Reception & Dinner at Mission Hills CC (Dinner, Drinks & Tournament Awards Ceremony)
Player Gift Bag

Getting There
Getting There
Mission Hills Country Club is located in Rancho Mirage, CA, less than 10 miles from the Palm Springs International Airport.
Palm Springs, CA
Palm Springs International Airport (PSP)
Distance From Property: 6.7 Miles Information
Ontario, CA
Ontario International Airport (ONT)
Distance From Property: 80 Miles
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
Distance From Property: 110 Miles
Terms and Conditions
Members’ club account will be billed within 14 business days of when their registration is submitted.
If the National Tournament you’re registering for offers payment by credit card option, the member’s card will be charged at the time their registration is submitted. Please note a 3% surcharge is added to the Member Entry Package rate to cover credit card processing charges.
Members may cancel their registration for a refund prior to the March 31, 2023, entry deadline once Open Entry closes, whichever comes sooner. After Open Entry closes, there will be no refunds for registered player cancelations unless the member or the members club provides a fully paid substitute to replace the canceling member. All cancelation requests must be submitted to the Director of National Tournaments in writing. Refunds for entry charges billed to member accounts will be made within 30 days from when the member’s cancelation request is approved by the Director of National Tournaments.
A complete summary of Tournament Entry Terms and Conditions along with Player Waiver is provided above the online registration form. In order to successfully submit the player registration, a member must acknowledge that he/she has read the Terms and Conditions and agrees to them.
THIS COMPLETE TOURNAMENT EXPERIENCE IS LIMITED TO 40 TEAMS. SPACES WILL BE CONFIRMED ON A FIRST-TO-SIGN-UP BASIS. Once capacity is reached a Wait List will be established to backfill any cancelations and/or fill additional places in the field on a space-available basis.