Membership Categories
All memberships include a primary member, secondary member and any dependent under the age of 23.
Full Golf
Full Golf
Full access to all golf, tennis, pickleball, bocce, basketball, wellness, swimming, children's play area and dining and social facilities at the Club. Members enjoy 10-day advance tee time privileges, a private golf cart program and XLife benefits in the area and nationwide.
Associate Golf
Associate Golf
Golf privileges are available after 12 pm during season (November-April) and unlimited access during the summer months (May-October.) Full access to all tennis, pickleball, bocce, basketball, wellness, swimming, children's play area and dining and social facilities at the Club. Members enjoy 7-day advance tee time privileges, a private golf cart program and XLife benefits in the area and nationwide.
Full access to all tennis, pickleball, bocce, basketball, wellness, swimming, children's play area and dining and social facilities at the Club. Members may upgrade to XLife benefits in the area and nationwide.